Client Journeys

The YWCA has been operating in Niagara for more than 90 years, and the lives we have impacted are too many to count. During the more recent years of our work, we have made a point of encouraging those clients, who are happy to talk about their progress, to share their stories of success with us. We share these stories with you to show you that there is always hope, and we share them with you to thank each and every one of you who chooses to support our work. We could not do what we do without the support of our donors, volunteers, community partners, and advocates.

Thank you kindly to all of our clients, who agreed to share their journeys with you.

Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Addy

I have always been a burden. A burden on my family, my friends, “the system,” as they say. I’m the forgotten. The person who falls through the cracks. A few months back, they found me on the streets. I was looking for a place to nap because I had been up all night, feeling unsafe and this person walks up to me and starts talking about having a home for me.

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Jill

I can’t even tell you how heartbreaking it was to realize we no longer had a home. I was so scared because I didn’t want to end up on the streets. That wasn’t an option, not while I was supporting my 3 young children. I was grateful when a worker at Gillian’s Place referred me to the YW. I’d tried every other option I could think of.

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Yasmine

Yasmine’s journey with the YW started in December 2015. At the time, she was staying with her mother. While she was grateful for the shelter, her relationship with her mother had never been the best and living with her was becoming more and more challenging every day. Yasmine, who was 19 years old at the time, had lived …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Lily

What would you do if, after enduring 16 years in an unhappy marriage, you discovered your husband was already married? For Lillian, it was the catalyst into a new life, but one fraught with its own hardships. With only a part-time income as a bus driver to draw from, Lily moved from one temporary …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Jenny & Kathy

When Jenny and her 21-year-old daughter, Kathy, came into the YWCA Niagara Falls Shelter, they were both feeling completely defeated and with little hope. Jenny had recently lost her job as a PSW due to health concerns and struggling with depression. Meanwhile, Kathy was struggling with suicidal thoughts and self-confidence issues. When Jenny and Kathy …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Leah

When I walked through the doors of the YW Safer House for the first time, it felt like my life was just beginning. Hi, my name is Leah, and I’m a survivor of human trafficking. It’s a crazy feeling to look back on that day all those months ago. It feels like only yesterday, but …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Amanda

When things started to feel serious with her partner a few years ago, Amanda moved to Niagara to be with him. It was hard to leave her family and her home, but this is what her partner wanted and she wanted to make him happy. This was the natural next step to her relationship, Amanda …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Jasmine

This success story is a long-winded one. It is the story of a woman named Jasmine. Jasmine has been in and out of the homeless emergency shelters for quite some time. She struggled with unmanaged mental health issues that continuously inhibited her from reaching her full potential. Jasmine would have her good days, but darkness …

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Jaclyn McPherson Jaclyn McPherson

Meet Victoria

Before she came to the YW’s shelter, Victoria felt vulnerable and powerless. Trapped in an abusive home, Victoria knew she had to make a choice – stay and continue to experience abuse or leave and face an unknown future with no money and no home… She had nowhere to go. Both choices were impossibly terrifying …

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