Your donation helps shelter homeless families right here in Niagara.

You think that every mom and dad, every child, every person in Niagara should have a place to call home?

So do we.

When you donate to the YWCA Niagara Region, you're giving homeless women, gender-diverse folks and children a roof over their heads and you ensure that they have food on the table.

With your donation, you support:

  • Emergency shelters for women, men, gender-diverse folks and children

  • A safe house for human trafficking survivors

  • 15 units for people who are chronically homeless

  • Skills development workshops for kids in schools as well as people in our shelters

  • WARM - a program for female-identifying individuals struggling with addiction

  • STOMT - a program for individuals involved in survival sex trade work


Maximize the impact of your generosity and consider the benefits of giving the gift of stocks! By contributing marketable securities, you not only support women and children experiencing homelessness in shelter, but you also enjoy valuable tax advantages! If you would like more information, please contact or complete the form below and submit it to!

Please be sure to download a copy of the document before filling out.