Meet Cynthia

Cynthia became a participant of the YWCA Off-Site Transitional Housing Program in September 2016. Prior to coming into the program, Cynthia was evicted from the house she had spent the last 10 years in because the landlord needed it for another family.  This was devastating for Cynthia. She was unable to find work because of ongoing health issues, and she had very few supports in her life, both socially and emotionally. She depended on the Ontario Works Program for assistance.

With support came hope for Cynthia. From the moment she found a new home through the Transitional Housing Program at the YWCA Niagara Region, she started making tremendous strides towards the goals set for her by her Transitional Support Worker. With the continuous support of the YW and her new home, Cynthia could finally settle, address her health issues and find a secure source of income.  Cynthia also started attending budgeting classes with our skills development workers and soon after she started receiving contracts that would allow her to work more frequently.

In June 2018, Cynthia successfully completed the YWCA Off-Site Transitional Housing program and was able to assume the lease with her landlord! Cynthia’s success makes us so proud and reminds us why we do what we do. 


Meet Cindy


Meet Samantha